Assalamu'alaikum ..... Irasshai mase~~

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I may not be somebody but I'm someone in my life...
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Wednesday 28 March 2012


Okey.........sungguh lah lama xupdate...
Kali nie, tentunya pasal lepasan SPM....
On that very date, 21 March, all ex form 5 students, get their result and so do I.........
Alhamdulillah, result aku ok.

But here, nak cite keadaan before ambil result...
Keluar2 sekolah je bulan December tu, rasa merdeka gilax!! Best sgt dh habis tension semua... thing I never thought will happen
Kerinduan Melanda~~~Baru keluar brape bulan dah rindu...rindu kat semuanya...
Seriously, rindu teramat rindu kat kisas..Suasana, kawan and semua2lah..

Everyday wishing for the time to rewind itself just for the sake of facing the same memories with all friends.
Graduated from highschool is so NOT cool.......Highschool is the most easiest, funniest, sweetest age ever!

But it's just a dream worth to be dreaming......Semua tu dah lepas..hidup perlu, keluar sekolah tu start la semua lepasan SPM bertebaran di merata-rata tempat..semua kerja part time...termasuklah aku...seriously, kalau dah habis SPM, kena kerja!
Dapat experience kena marah, dapat experience letihnya kerja.  Macam-macam jenis manusia korang boleh jumpa kalo kerja nie..kalau yg kerja kat fast food restaurant tu, boleh jumpe awek kurus makan byk..boleh jumpe budak-budak yang macam2 ragamnya and pelbagai lagi lah lagat manusia...
Manusia kan UNIK???berbeza-beza and that's what make us human HUMANS ~


Sekarang, kita cite pasal mase depan plak...
skrang nie semua tgh busy isi scholar sne..upu sne..carik u yg best2..
including me...

that other day, I was so eager to submit bnm's scholarship ASAP so, abis isi semua data die and setelah cm nak gler bukak web die yg asyik broken memanjang, tekanlah submit~~
then, ble view utk saje2 tengok balik, OH NO!!!!!!!!!salah isi!!!!!!!!
ekonomi A bkn A+...adesh~~
ble gtau parents, mmg kne marah lar..dieorg yg cm risau gler, smpi dok suruh call gtau salah..sruh email gtau tersalah tekan...
tapi yg peliknye, anaknye nie buat dek je..
Something in my heart tells that everything happens for a reason.  Memang aku dh check bfore submit tp xperasan langusng psl tu...

then, I remind myself, if that happens, ALLAH must already stored something for me...HE knows better than us, I'm not afraid and believe that I'm not alone.

but then, aku call la die, tnye how..then die ckp kalo dh ckup 8a, tu sume blakang kira...
see~~Allah knows the best..dapat ke xdpt scholarship nie, ALLAH lebih tau sumenye..., kalau yg sape2 nk mohon tp xdpt msuk ke ape web die, tenang2...
ade sebab knape tu semua jadi..mngkin kalo korang dpt isi but then xdpt korang frust gler ke or ALLAH tau  yg tu bukan lah yg terbaik utk, chillex okey?~

Past is let bygones be bygones
future is still a mystery
present is present, that's why it's called a gift
a gift from ALLAH
so, treasure it
and protect your future
by having faith in ALLAH and YOURSELF

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